

β/B How to Write a Paragraph

HI everyone! How is your lockdown going? Have you been trying some of the free writing and translation activities? Here is a powerpoint slideshow from Sarah to give you some advice about writing a paragraph: Powerpoint on how to structure a parag

高1 OC 休校中の課題

Welcome high school students!! You found the right page! Well done! Part 4 (4/28): This update will let you start reading and using Mreader. The page for OPs is HERE. NPs please click HERE.

中3 Andrew and Kaoru’s Page

UPDATE 3 (4/24): Quick Response 2 and more. Click HERE. UPDATE 2 (4/16): Mreader 速報 Learn more HERE. UPDATE 1 (4/13): Try playing a GAME to practice quick response! https://youtu.

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