東京外大 Listening and Writing Practice: Advertising
Listen to the following passage, and take notes using the template below to help you. Then write a 200-word summary in English.
February 13, 2025 in Uncategorized
Listen to the following passage, and take notes using the template below to help you. Then write a 200-word summary in English.
February 6, 2025 in Uncategorized, 学年, 高3
Click on this link and listen to this audio. Write a 200-word summary of the content, following the guidelines below. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/news-litearcy-lesson-1-real-news-vs-fake-news/4396911.
Listen to the interview and write a summary of the discussion. What is a traditional working style?What has changed recently?What are the advantages of this new mobility? Now answer this question in English.
January 28, 2025 in Uncategorized, 学年, 高3
Here is a lesson for people what want to practice for Tokyo Gaidai. Write your answers in your book and show them to me later! 1. Listen to the passage and make notes following these points below http://tosaenglish.
January 27, 2025 in 高3
http://tosaenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Young-Adults-Living-At-Home.m4a 1. Summarize the passage using the notes below.
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January 7, 2025 in Uncategorized, 学年, 高3
Here are the audio files for the listening hoshu – listen again and review! 2023 2024
Hello everyone. Think again about the last listening class. This is the dictation sentence: Young men met to exchange cigarettes, addresses, sweets, and above all else, friendship.
Here is the Audio from the class.
Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed our dating class! So, here is the link to the interesting dialog about a girl talking to her dad about her date with Dirk! Dating with Dirk! So, are Japanese people preferring to remain unmarried? https://www.